Saturday, February 16, 2008

Taiwan Trip -- Taipei 2007海外华裔青年台湾观摩团之台北篇

11/12/2007 Tuesday (二)
Registration & Check-in
Accommodation :Cheintan Overseas Youth Activity Center

Arrived at airport. 刚抵台北飞机场

Chientan Oversea Youth Activity Center 救国团剑谭海外青年活动中心

First meal in Taiwan 在台湾的第一餐
12/12/2007 Wednesday (三)
0800-1100 Introduction to Taiwan, Introduction to Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission, Introduction to Group Safety 国情介绍、侨务介绍、网络介绍
1100-1200 Opening ceremony 始业式
1200-1300 Lunch 午餐
1300-1700 Visit to National Taiwan Normal University DPPOCS 参访师大侨生先修部

Taiwan Normal University DPPOCS 师大侨生先修部
Foreign students study pre-University courses in this beautiful school.
13/12/2007 Thursday (四)
0900-1200 Introduction to Culture Heritage & ForkArts 国粹研习

1200-1330 Lunch 午餐

1330-1530 Visit to The Legislative Yuan 参访立法院

1600-1700 Visit to Martyr's Shrine 参访忠烈祠
1900-2100 Sightseeing at Shi-Lin Night Market 士林夜市传统小吃巡礼


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