Sunday, February 17, 2008

Taiwan Trip -- Taipei (2) 2007海外华裔青年台湾观摩团之台北篇2

14/12/2007 Friday (五)
0900-1200 Introduction to Culture Heritage & ForkArts 国粹研习

1200-1300 Lunch 午餐

1300-1700 Visit to discovery center of Taipei, Eslitebookstore 参观台北探索馆、诚品商圈

1700-1800 Dinner 晚餐

1800-2100 Visit to Taipei 101 BLD 参观台北101

15/12/2007 Saturday (六)
0830-1200 Yang-Ming Mountain 阳明山

1200-1330 Lunch 午餐

1330-1700 Visit to National Taiwan Democracy Memorial Hall 参访国立故宫博物院

2000-2200 Group Activity 团康体能活动


FL Sam said...

Wow. very nice and interesting trip. How many days you were there?? :)

Suh Ching said...

flsam:21 days :) I will continue to post about the trip

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