Sunday, February 17, 2008

Taiwan Trip -- Taipei (3) 2007海外华裔青年台湾观摩团之台北篇3

16/12/2007 Sunday (日)
0800-1200 Visit to Ying-ko Ceramics Museum 莺歌陶瓷馆捏陶DIY

1200-1300 Lunch 午餐

1300-1700 Sightseeing at Tam-Shui Scenic Area 参观关渡宫、渔人码头

1900-2100 Sightseeing at Tam-Shui Night Market 淡水老街巡礼

17/12/2007 Monday (一)
0900-1200 Visit to National Center for Traditional Arts 参访台湾戏曲学院

1200-0130 Lunch 午餐

1330-1530 Visit to Nan-Kang Software Park 参访南港科学园区

1600-2000 Sightseeing at RT-MART 参观大卖场

18/12/2007 Tuesday (二)
0800-2100 Free time 自由活动

salty soya , I think that sweet soya is much more better! 咸豆浆

National Taiwan University (NTU) 国立台湾大学
2100-2130 Orientation for Round Island Trip 南下准备说明


JK said...

Nice trip! Bloghopped from Flsam's blog and got to know you are a Buddhist. It's so difficult to find buddhist in the blogsphere. I'm glad to find a few like you.

Suh Ching said...

Hi,Jo-n! Thanks for drop by my blog. Ya, I am a Buddhist, but still a beginner :) I'm glad to know you! May you be well and happy

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