Thursday, February 14, 2008

JEWEL OF TIBET the musical 雪域上的光芒:文成公主音乐剧

This is a musical extravaganza about the story of Princess Wen Cheng's journey from China to Tibet more than a thousand years ago to marry King Songsten Gampo. Crossing deserts, hailstorms, and snow-capped mountains, she brought the peaceful teachings of Buddhism to Tibet. With her gentleness, wisdom and compassion, she captured the hearts of many in the land of snows. And she has left behind her legacy in the world famous Potala Palace in Lhasa.

Jewel of Tibet, a tribute to Princess Wen Chang, comprises of 150 minutes of original music, dance, and stage extravaganza. It is a spectacular million Ringgit creation by Musical On Stage Productions, the same creative team behind the internationally acclaimed Siddhartha The Musical and Above Full Moon The Musical, which includes director Ho Lin Huay and composer Imee Ooi and stars a talented cast from the pop music, classical music and dance scenes.

From the majestic Tang Dynasty to the vast mystical land of Tibet, Jewel of Tibet artistically depicts a historical epic with enchanting music and songs, intricate dance movements, spectacular scene change, backdrops and props, and over 200 sets of newly designed colorful ethnic costumes from traditional Tang Dynasty and Tibet.

一個一千三百多年前的中國傳奇女子,命運安排她成為公主,然後成為和親的對象,遠嫁千里之外的神秘之邦- 西藏。她穿越風沙雪域,征服了一千多里險峻的天路,也用她的才智、柔情、慈悲征服了藏人的心。享譽世界的布達拉宮、大昭寺、小昭寺都有她的身影。。。

《雪域上的光芒:文成公主》是自在音樂舞台公主室繼深獲好評的《釋迦牟尼佛傳》音樂劇及《天心月圓》音樂劇後另一部耗資百萬的大型中文音樂劇。這個 長約150鐘的原創音樂劇由何靈慧編導,黃慧音作曲,陳淑琳和楊淑棻編舞,並由40位馬來西亞中文音樂界、舞蹈界、戲劇界的精英聯合演出,其中包括歌手楊 偉漢、周博慧、李燕萍、鄧智彰、溫勝光、林清福、龍紀翰、王明麗等等。

從華麗的盛唐到神秘的西藏,劇中迴盪讓人感動難忘的歌曲和音樂,多場精彩的舞蹈,多個壯觀並多變的場景,超過200套精緻的古代唐朝服飾以及色彩繽紛的傳統西藏服飾,勢必代給觀眾視覺和聽覺上最佳的享受以及無比的震撼。 受以及無比的震撼。

The musical will be performed in Mandarin with English subtitles.

Date: 1st to 15th March 2008 (no performance on Mondays)
Venue: Istana Budaya, Kuala Lumpur
Time: 8:30pm (Tue-Sat), 3:00pm (Sun)

Price band Fri, Sat, Sun Tue, Wed, Thu
VIP RM253 RM233
A RM183 RM163
B RM153 RM133
C RM123 RM103
D RM73 RM53

Tickets available through AXCESS Hotline: 03-77115000, online at or at authorized AXCESS outlets

ENQUIRY: 012-6323033

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